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Micro Thermics

As global pioneers in Small Batch Pasteurizers, HTST/UHT Pasteurization & Sterilizers, small-scale pasteurizers, and aseptic processors, MicroThermics has left an indelible mark on the landscape of liquid processing. Many everyday products that enrich your life have been conceptualized and manufactured using equipment meticulously designed and constructed by us—whether it's a refreshing beverage, a nutritious meal replacement, a delectable dessert, or even a vital medication.


In collaboration with our sister company, MTI BioScience, we extend our innovation to the realm of liquid cannabis products, contributing to the development of beverages and the extraction of salable cannabinoids like CBD. Companies choose MicroThermics because we empower our clients to reduce product development and production costs, enhance operational efficiencies, and expedite time-to-market for new offerings. Our unwavering commitment to delivering the highest quality products and services is realized through the adoption of cutting-edge production techniques, ongoing initiatives for quality improvement, and a team of dedicated, highly qualified professionals. Choose MicroThermics for a journey into liquid processing excellence.

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